
  • 21.04.2017

    The first traditional Easter celebration after the return of the Catholic Church

    The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was returned to the Catholics in 1992, and after that there was never served an Easter Triduum in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite - never before Easter 2017. This year, finally, traditionalist Catholics were given the opportunity to survive Easter and its preceding three days in the spirit of tradition.

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  • 07.04.2017

    The principled position of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus regarding the prohibitions of the Holy Tridentine Mass in Moscow

    With regret and horror, we must inform you that Holy Mass on Maundy Thursday 13/04/2017 in the traditionalist community in Moscow at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (hereinafter NZPDM) is prohibited, and therefore not indicated in the schedule of the Holy Mass in our community.

    Such bans have occurred before. We remember that in the near past we have already reported similar situations.

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  • 29.01.2017

    Bad example is contagious: another ban on the Tridentine Mass

    The Administrator of the Cathedral of the NZPDM on spiritual matters, Fr. Vladimir Kabak SDB, continues the practice of the former rector, Fr. Joseph Zanevsky SDB, and forbids the celebration of the Tridentine Mass on January 29, 2017. He justifies his decision by the fact that on January 29, 2017, the parish celebrates the feast of St. John Bosco, founder of Don Bosco's Salesian Congregation, and 25 years of Salesian ministry in Moscow. Therefore all parishioners should participate in Summa on Sunday morning. Like the previous ban on December 8, 2015, this ‘Feast Day’ action violates the rights of Traditional Catholics and the norms of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum.

  • 20.11.2016

    Annual trip 2016 to Veliky Novgorod: the return of an ancient tradition

    This year, the traditional annual trip of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which took place from 9 to 11 September, was to Veliky Novgorod, a city located approximately 600 km northwest of Moscow.

    This year, the traditional annual trip of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which took place from 9 to 11 September, was to Veliky Novgorod, a city located approximately 600 km northwest of Moscow.

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  • 19.08.2016

    Annual Visit of 2015: Time for the Eternal: Traditional Latin Masses in Tver and Perm

    For its annual visit in 2015, the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus dedicated a lot of time to plan. The preparation itself appeared to be quite expensive, since we were scheduled to visit two cities at once. However, since the visit involved the honor of Our Lord in this land, we spared no expense. And why would we settle for the less? After all, one day or another, all of us will bear responsibility for how we have served the God in our life.

On the first weekend we visited Tver, and on the second weekend arrived in Perm in the Ural Mountains.

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