Ban on the service of the Tridentine Mass for the traditional Catholic community on December 8, 2015
Fr. Augustine Zenzel SDB received from the rector of the cathedral NZPDM, Fr. Joseph Zanevsky SDB, a ban on the service of the Tridentine Mass for the traditional Catholic community on December 8, 2015.
Father Abbot explained his decision by saying that all parishioners should participate in the solemn Mass under the presidency of Archbishop Paul Pezzi, since December 8 is the patronal feast of the parish, and in addition, the Extraordinary Anniversary Year of Mercy fell on this day (12/08/2015 - 11/20/2016).
This ban and coercion on the eve of the Year of Mercy are bewildering, because they grossly violate the rules of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, and restrict the right of traditionalist lay faithful to participate in the service of their choice.